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A New Year, a New Month, New Lessons, and a Sun Celebration!

Writer: Heidi KellyHeidi Kelly

Even though we had various illnesses still floating around when we returned to school, the children came back excited and ready to work!

Reading words with consonant blends using Blue Bingo
Reading words with consonant blends using Blue Bingo

Exploring the Fractions
Exploring the Fractions

Working with the 5 cubed chain
Working with the 5 cubed chain

Creating multi-syllable words using an activity called "sylla-search"
Creating multi-syllable words using an activity called "sylla-search"

Exploring the Solar System
Exploring the Solar System

Sharing a story
Sharing a story

Division Board
Division Board

Labeling the types of Triangles
Labeling the types of Triangles

Addition snake game with a partner helps keep track of the counting!
Addition snake game with a partner helps keep track of the counting!

Using the Checkerboard for large number multiplication
Using the Checkerboard for large number multiplication

Practicing reading their research
Practicing reading their research

Creating money amounts with different coin combinations
Creating money amounts with different coin combinations

Compound Words
Compound Words

Reading practice for a targeted skill
Reading practice for a targeted skill

"Picture Story" helps the student to write by using a picture of their own creation as a creative writing prompt.
"Picture Story" helps the student to write by using a picture of their own creation as a creative writing prompt.

Building the Roman Arch
Building the Roman Arch

Learning about Famous Landmarks
Learning about Famous Landmarks

Parts of the Leaf
Parts of the Leaf

More Sylla-Search
More Sylla-Search

These boys asked for an extension after completing the Land and Water Forms work.  They are using alternating colors of construction paper and pin-punching to create their own booklet.
These boys asked for an extension after completing the Land and Water Forms work. They are using alternating colors of construction paper and pin-punching to create their own booklet.

This student is using the control sheet to double-check that her work with Analogies is correct
This student is using the control sheet to double-check that her work with Analogies is correct

Working with the 7 cubed chain
Working with the 7 cubed chain

Reviewing the concepts of "Similar", "Equivalent", and "Congruent"
Reviewing the concepts of "Similar", "Equivalent", and "Congruent"

Reading words with variable vowel combinations using the green bingo game
Reading words with variable vowel combinations using the green bingo game

More money work
More money work

Creating a booklet for Parts of the Leaf
Creating a booklet for Parts of the Leaf

Using the Golden Beads for addition with large addends
Using the Golden Beads for addition with large addends

Independent Research on Penguins
Independent Research on Penguins

Utilizing "peer editing" for creative story writing
Utilizing "peer editing" for creative story writing

How many beads are on this 10 cubed chain?
How many beads are on this 10 cubed chain?

Soccer is fun, even on a muddy field when the ball leaves a mark on your face!
Soccer is fun, even on a muddy field when the ball leaves a mark on your face!

This student is testing her sense of visual discrimination by matching the triangles to the shape on the card before labeling the triangle.
This student is testing her sense of visual discrimination by matching the triangles to the shape on the card before labeling the triangle.

Using a number line (the yardstick) to solve subtraction math facts
Using a number line (the yardstick) to solve subtraction math facts

Diligently working to solve his problems correctly.
Diligently working to solve his problems correctly.

Learning about money
Learning about money

Counting the 8 cubed chain
Counting the 8 cubed chain

A refresher lesson from the teacher can do wonders for confidence when a student is struggling to be independent with a material.  This student ended up feeling confident enough to help another student present this material to adults  at the Curriculum Day Event.
A refresher lesson from the teacher can do wonders for confidence when a student is struggling to be independent with a material. This student ended up feeling confident enough to help another student present this material to adults at the Curriculum Day Event.

These two 3rd-graders are so proud to have advanced into the Homophones material for weekly spelling.
These two 3rd-graders are so proud to have advanced into the Homophones material for weekly spelling.

Using the guide to properly format a "Thank You" note.
Using the guide to properly format a "Thank You" note.

.  Once a letter has been written correctly, the student then may decorate their letter however they wish. Timers are a useful way to help a student be independent with their time management.
. Once a letter has been written correctly, the student then may decorate their letter however they wish. Timers are a useful way to help a student be independent with their time management.

Third-Grade was beyond excited to finally receive the long-awaited "Racks and Tubes" lesson on long division.
Third-Grade was beyond excited to finally receive the long-awaited "Racks and Tubes" lesson on long division.

Long Division with the Racks and Tubes Material
Long Division with the Racks and Tubes Material

Some younger students exploring variable vowels with the Green Bingo
Some younger students exploring variable vowels with the Green Bingo

Working with the Peace Flower
Working with the Peace Flower

Independent research includes the use of index cards to organize relevant information
Independent research includes the use of index cards to organize relevant information

Learning about long vowel sounds and open syllables with the Sylla-search materials.
Learning about long vowel sounds and open syllables with the Sylla-search materials.

Life Cycle of the Pumpkin
Life Cycle of the Pumpkin

Lower Elementary's school-wide job right now is care of the fish and worms.
Lower Elementary's school-wide job right now is care of the fish and worms.

Addition with the snake game requires a great deal of concentration so as not to lose your place!
Addition with the snake game requires a great deal of concentration so as not to lose your place!

Creating a booklet from the Parts of the Flower work
Creating a booklet from the Parts of the Flower work

More younger students exploring the variable vowels with Blue Bingo.
More younger students exploring the variable vowels with Blue Bingo.

Reviewing the Planisphere map
Reviewing the Planisphere map

He's nearing completion!
He's nearing completion!

One first grader teaching another about how to use the Sylla-Search material
One first grader teaching another about how to use the Sylla-Search material

Second Grade reviewing the Decanomial Layout
Second Grade reviewing the Decanomial Layout

The "Money Wheel" is a wonderful way for students to visualize equivalence with coins as they relate to the dollar. This material ties the Montessori math beads (which the children already know) to the coins to help them internalize how much each coin is worth.
The "Money Wheel" is a wonderful way for students to visualize equivalence with coins as they relate to the dollar. This material ties the Montessori math beads (which the children already know) to the coins to help them internalize how much each coin is worth.


An older student teaches a younger child about alphabetical order. They are checking that their work is correct after having put the words in order.
An older student teaches a younger child about alphabetical order. They are checking that their work is correct after having put the words in order.

The children really enjoy written correspondence with friends and relatives.
The children really enjoy written correspondence with friends and relatives.

Exploring fractions
Exploring fractions

This student is practicing dynamic subtraction with large numbers using the Golden Bead Material.
This student is practicing dynamic subtraction with large numbers using the Golden Bead Material.

Stopped to read the new riddle
Stopped to read the new riddle

In-depth study of one planet.
In-depth study of one planet.

These two are practicing to demonstrate the Checkerboard material  for Curriculum Day
These two are practicing to demonstrate the Checkerboard material for Curriculum Day

Working together to complete independent research!
Working together to complete independent research!

These two are practicing with the Timeline of Life material for Curriculum Day
These two are practicing with the Timeline of Life material for Curriculum Day

Practicing proper cursive letter formation
Practicing proper cursive letter formation

Learning how to use SRA reading material to work on reading comprehension.  Another big part of this work is organizing the recording of their work into their journals and checking their work for mistakes.  Though we already do lots of reading comprehension work in context (when reading stories or materials in small and large groups), the SRA materials are a way for the children to practice independently during the work cycle.
Learning how to use SRA reading material to work on reading comprehension. Another big part of this work is organizing the recording of their work into their journals and checking their work for mistakes. Though we already do lots of reading comprehension work in context (when reading stories or materials in small and large groups), the SRA materials are a way for the children to practice independently during the work cycle.

3rd graders learning to work independently with long division using the Racks and Tubes material
3rd graders learning to work independently with long division using the Racks and Tubes material

Ms. Erin joined us to share in Percy's Sun Celebration, albeit a bit late!
Ms. Erin joined us to share in Percy's Sun Celebration, albeit a bit late!

Percy getting ready to walk the Earth around the Sun to mark one year of life
Percy getting ready to walk the Earth around the Sun to mark one year of life


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