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Art + Mindfulness + Columbia SC!

kathleen McIntyre

How often do we experience something - like a beautiful piece of artwork, music, a sunset, a sweet encounter with someone else - and quickly move on to the next thing?  

This week, our students were challenged to pause after experiencing an external stimulus (like the ones mentioned above) and notice if anything shifted on the inside after the experience. It can take a moment of pause - to actually feel what you are feeling. Unfortunately, we often move through feelings too quickly, not reaping the benefits of the experience or receiving the lesson of the moment.  

As we encourage them in this practice of pause, they build a foundation of inner awareness. In addition, the capacity to feel internal shifts can support children's social-emotional learning because they can take note of how they are feeling with subtle cues, which leads to self-regulation.

This week middle school visited the Columbia Museum of Art to visit Amanda McCavour's interactive exhibit. It was truly magical and the perfect spot to experience the mindfulness practice of how an external stimulus can create an internal shift. Check out her work at: 


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