Dr. Maria Montessori was quoted as saying "the greatest sign of success for the teacher is to be able to say 'the children are now working as if I did not exist'". It was very early in the year for the lead teacher to step away for a week, but between the wonderful support of Ms. Paula and your fantastic children, they did exactly that when Ms. Heidi was out sick for the week following Labor Day. Bread Making lessons, Flower Cutting, Chess lessons, finally completing the moveable alphabet that had been spilled, and Community Peace Meeting on Friday, the week went on brilliantly without me! Dr. Montessori would be proud.

This week, I was able to jump right back in as if nothing were amiss. There were lots and lots of lessons given and several loaves of bread were made and consumed. We are reading the full Little House on the Prairie series this year, and have begun with "Little House in the Big Woods". This is a fantastic way to connect children with what things were like when people had to make or trade for most of what they needed. The kids have been fascinated so far. If anyone is interested in visiting local mercantiles that herald back to older times, Davis Community store in the Croft neighborhood of Charlotte off Old Statesville Road, and D.E. Turner Hardware on Main Street in Mooresville might be fun trips to make.

First years learning about the Universe

The Decimal System

Mission Complete!

Our First Sun Celebration of the year! Silas is Eight!

Parts of the Flower

Lower Elementary is in charge of Animal Care this month!
