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Camp Rockmont Mountain Adventure - lower elementary’s first overnight trip

kathleen McIntyre

This past week, Lower Elementary headed up to the mountains of western North Carolina to Camp Rockmont for their overnight adventure. Not only is this trip an amazing opportunity to build independence and explore the natural world, but it’s also a fantastic community builder. New connections and friendships were made during our time in the mountains - classmates supported each other and cheered each other on!

Our visit to Rockmont includes working at the farm, waterfront fun and challenges, and a mountain hike. Farmer John taught us the importance of seed saving and we got to harested various seeds for next year's crop. We also got a good visit with the farm animals.  

Challenging edges is one of the ways that we support our children's growth as well. The waterfront offers fun and exciting ways to stretch and grow their comfort zone and confidence. Some of the favorite “challenges” are the gully washer, climbing spider web, and high dive. As always, it is "challenge by choice," so the first year, it might be watching, but when they come back the following year, it is usually game on!

One element of this trip that is my personal favorite is taking students on a hike up the mountain. Rhododendron thickets, pioneer cabin, medicinal plants, and mica…are all magical parts of this outing.

It was a fantastic trip!


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