Apples were such a big part of our work this week. On our work shelves we have an apple sewing card, a sewing worm, apple tonging, an apple maze, three part cards on apple parts and the lifecycle of an apple. We learned in great detail of the journey from apple seed to full grown apple. The helpers that make this happen (the bees) and the parts of the flower that are fertilized to create the apple, the children were fascinated.
Food preparation began with major enthusiasm. The children first had to wash their hands 😊 and then wash their apple, slice it serve it to themselves and invite a friend to share it and then wash the dishes and prepping tools. They loved it!!! Kindergarten prepared, baked and ate baked apples. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm, concentration, attention to detail and to embrace our kitchen!!!
The children are learning their song for the variety show in October and enjoying it!
We continue to work on listening, following directions and respecting each other. The children have made significant progress since the beginning of the year and we all continue to make mistakes which I remind them all the time is a big part of how we learn. We focus on the process as opposed to the product!
While we are still growing and learning together as a new group and finding how we fit together, this group is beginning to gel and the returning students are really good at helping the younger children which is so rewarding for everyone.
One more week until our first field trip, which promises to be such a fun day for everyone!!!
We celebrated two birthdays this week; Addie's 6th and Riki's 5th birthdays

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
The Primary Team