We've made it through our first full week! The children seem to be having a marvelous time, and learning so much.
Writing a Thank You Card
Practicing Sign Language
Compound Words
Stamp Game Addition
Creating the Calendar
Addition Strip Board
More Sign Language practice!
100 Board, Geometry Triangles Box, and Creating the Calendar
Metal Insets
Continent Pin Punching and Addition Dot Game
Our busy schedule on Wednesdays, our "Specials" Day!
Preposition Work
Reviewing the Vowel Tree
The Binomial Cube
More Continent Pin Punching
First Graders learning about the Cursive Moveable Alphabet, Vowels, and Consonants.
Living vs. Non-living
Learning about some Famous Landmarks
Diligently practicing cursive!
More Calendar practice!
Golden Bead Subtraction
Dot Game addition
Proud of her noun sorting! Proper vs. Common Nouns
Making Friendship Bracelets
Building with the Roman Arch
We had our year's first Community Peace Meeting. The students passed the Peace Feather and shared their ideas for guidelines for a Peaceful Classroom. Helpers recorded the answers and ran the meeting. Next week, we will edit and all will sign!
Thank you to all who attended the Back to School Night. Please check your email for a summary of what you missed, if you had a conflict!
Heads up, we do already have a respiratory virus going around, so please be on the lookout for that! I hope everyone has a fantastic Labor Day Weekend.