Here’s hoping all the rain will disappear with January. Honest cold is easier to handle than rainy raw days! Having said that, the children take it all in their stride!
We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 12th, since Valentine’s Day falls on Sunday. Your child is welcome to bring in Valentine cards on February 12th for each of their classmates. Please make sure their is no candy attached to the cards. Also, please do not address the cards to the children. Each child gets to deliver their Valentine and it is much easier for them to deliver one to each child’s bag or box if they are not individually addressed.
Conferences are coming up in a couple of weeks, we will be doing them virtually through zoom and I will send out a sign up genius this weekend. Looking forward to talking with everyone about your child and the wonderful progress they have made in spite of all the ongoing challenges that we have faced this year.
Hope you all enjoy the last weekend in January.

The primary team.