Well, the groundhog couldn't possibly have seen its shadow yesterday on such a rainy miserable day....so according to the tradition that means an early spring! We are happy to agree with that prediction :) This tradition always prompts us to explore what makes a shadow. And the prediction of an early spring prompts us to be on the lookout for signs of it.
Speaking of shadows, Ms. Kathleen candled our eggs and each egg showed a shadow which is a hopeful sign for a developing chick. Each day we open one of our life-cycle eggs and om day 8 we were able to see a recognizable chick.
We have had quite a few discussions this week on what it means to be part of a community....part of the DGS community, part of a neighborhood community, and part of society. Taking care of each other and each other's needs, being considerate of each other, and understanding that we are part of something bigger were all discussed on their level.
We are continuing to have a couple of visitors each week for next year and our children are so welcoming and kind to each little visitor, it is so sweet to watch them be such great ambassadors.
You will notice from our pictures that some friends are clearly hoping for snow and are actively practicing their skills down in the woods.

Have a great weekend.
The Primary Team