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Growth Mindset

kathleen McIntyre

This week in Mindfulness, we are building on last week's theme of being open to new possibilities—how we do this by having open bodies, minds, and hearts.

Taking this further, we discussed having a growth mindset. We laid a foundation for a growth mindset, compared it to a fixed mindset, and discussed the brain's power in forming new neural pathways.

We connected this to Mindfulness in that we can move from a more fixed mindset of "I can't or not trying" to the growth mindset of "I can't do this yet, but will keep trying" by pausing if we find ourselves in a mind state of "feeling stuck or can't and do something," and giving our brains a breakthrough a mindfulness practice.

For example, we can take a mindful break by intentionally breathing, going outside and tuning in, or moving our bodies.

This week, the invitation is to be on the lookout for moments when we have a fixed mindset, take a mindfulness break, and then return to the challenge.


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