Happy New Year to everyone, I hope you all had a peaceful winter break. It is lovely to be back and develop a sense of normalcy. In line with Ms. Kathleen's theme of winter mindfulness, we are implementing some changes to make our transitions smoother and our circle time mindful, peaceful, and intentional. You can help us with this by having your child at school by 9 am. This is when our morning circle is beginning and it is disruptive to our group when a child arrives after this time. We focused on how we were feeling this week and how we could help ourselves to feel calm and ready for that special time we spend together. We even managed to make silence for a whole minute as a group.
This is a beautiful time of year, the holidays are over and distractions are so much less. It is a time to focus on learning at a deeper level, all of our children are now well used to our routine and are developing good work habits. Many new works have been added to our practical life shelves such as nutmeg grinding, mortar and pestle work, and some new waterworks. The children have been very engaged with these works and it is gratifying to see them focus for longer periods of time.
We had our first sun celebration of the year this week also, celebrating Percy turning six!
During cooking time this week, Kindergarten had a lot of fun making playdough for our classroom. Kindergarten began drama on Thursday afternoon with Ms. Maya!
Curriculum night is this Wednesday evening at 5 pm and it will be a great opportunity to see our classroom, hear what we do, and most especially why we do it in the way that we do! Looking forward to seeing all of you at this special event and it will give you an opportunity to formulate any questions you may have for conferences the following week.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
The Primary Team