Well, there are so many teachable moments at DGS and we created quite the interesting one this week. Kindergarten made french toast and the butter got too hot and a little smoky....so off went the smoke alarm. This gave us several teachable moments.....a fire drill is not always pre-planned and the firefighters will come no matter what to check things out if the alarm goes off. If you are not wearing slippers, you will end up outside in your socks! Despite all of that Kindergarten enjoyed their french toast.....all of them....even the ones who said they didn't like french toast, tried it and actually liked it!
This week at least it would appear that the Southern Groundhog's prediction has been correct so far. The birds are singing, things are starting to spout and the weather has been lovely....of course it is still February and anything could happen yet but we are most certainly enjoying it. We have continued to explore shadows and the reason for them. Everyday we open an egg from our chicken life-cycle work and we are getting closer and closer. Our prediction is for hopefully next Wednesday.
The children are getting excited about Valentine's Day next Tuesday, please remember to send in their cards with no names on the envelopes! This is a day that the children really enjoy.
Only a few more days until our break, I'm sure you all have great plans. Thank you all for the most amazing lunch today, such a delightfully delicious treat, which not only tasted fabulous but looked beautiful too. We are all very grateful!!!
I can't tell you how much amazing work is going on in our classroom right now, socially, emotionally and academically. It is astounding to me even though I see it year after year, this is when we see the most growth, As a teacher I feel like this is the time when I can breath most peacefully, because what we promise you will happen is happening in such a beautiful way.
We had two visiting students this week and we look forward to more over the next few weeks.

Have a great weekend
The Primary Team