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In the Swing

Writer's picture: Heidi KellyHeidi Kelly

Even though it was a shortened week due to the holiday, and for some, due to illness, the children are already settling into the rhythm of the work cycle.

When Ms. Heidi is out, the "other" Heidi steps in to lead circle... she happened to be "Helper" this week.

Extending the famous landmarks work by finding where the are in the world on the control charts for our puzzle maps

Exchange game

Dot game addition

Subtraction strip board

Grammar symbols... labeling the parts of speech in a sentence

Word Bingo

I met with the first graders and a new to the class 2nd to go over a couple of cursive letters, but discovered many of them had already begun to learn on their own. One or two have already mastered their name, including a beautiful capital letter!

Learning about rocks and minerals

Matching adjectives with nouns

Puzzle maps and money work in progress

Famous Masterpieces


Lincoln's mom, Tara, and his baby sister Vella joined us for his sun celebration

Lincoln walking the Earth around the Sun!

This week, we listened to the story of the "Four Strange Sisters". This fun story, adapted from "The Deep Well of Time" by Montessorian Michael Dorer, helps children understand and remember the four math operations of addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division. After listening to the story, the children recorded what they learned in their journals.

Planning work

Addressing letters to send in the mail

Copying work

Working with compound words from the Montessori Skyscraper

These children have completed some greater than, less than problems and are independently checking in the control notebook to see whether their answers are correct or not.

Dot game addition with exchanging into the thousands hierarchy

Word bingo and learning about money

One of our third graders working with analogies. After he completed the work, he created a few of his own.

1 Comment

Derek Henig
Sep 09, 2024

So many awesome things happening! I love the parts of speech work.

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