We continued our reorientation to the DGS farm and natural community this week, and discovered that we are, indeed, a complex web of interacting parts. As one LE student remarked, "EVERYTHING is connected!"
We had review lessons on animal care (given by the students to each other at most levels), and Upper El even got to dig right into some farm work (at their request!).
Middle Schoolers began taking a more critical look at our animals and their habitats, as well as our "3 Rs" and composting systems. I've challenged them to look for the gaps, the opportunities for improvement of our farm. Once identified, we'll move into brainstorming solutions, keeping all aspects of sustainability in mind.
Bee Observation and keeping a running poster of "what we know" and "what we want to know" will continue all semester. It's hard not to answer all their awesome questions, but their curiosity is a great motivator for their own research and even deeper observations.
In just about one month, we will have our first Farmer's market, so plant propagation is top of the list for next week. 🌱
💚 Ms. Paula
