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Kicking of fall with our study of North America, Pumpkins, and Mammals


We have started our study of North America. We opened our map of North America and have named the countries of The United States of America, Mexico, Canada, Haiti, Cuba, and Greenland. As the month moves on we will add more North American countries. Our suitcase has items from North America like maple syrup made in Canada, a Monarch Butterfly that migrates across North America, napkins made in Mexico, beach glass from The United States, and many other items. We named animals of North America and opened our pictures of landmarks of North America. Many children are writing picture stories to describe these items.

We also started our study of pumpkins. The life cycle of a pumpkin is on the shelf as well as the parts of a pumpkin. We cut a pumpkin open to see the seeds, endocarp, and pulp. On the outside we labeled the leaves, stem, vine, and tendrils. We are looking forward to our trip to Patterson Farms.

We discovered that mammals have hair, give live birth, mother's feed their babies milk, and are warm blooded. We identified animals that are mammals: foxes, hippos, beavers, horses, tigers, whales, and bats.

Using our book, Have You Filled a Bucket Today?, we are working to use kind words to fill each other's buckets. Mr. Derek came by during Kindergarten and discussed how encouraging each other helps our classroom community. We can encourage by letting someone know they can complete a work or saying you see how well they colored a map. There are many ways to fill a bucket: making cards for family and friends, using kind words, or letting a friend go first.

Here are some pictures of work happening in the classroom. Lots of work!

Finally, our slides have been a hit. Lots of riding and giggling is occurring! Thank you to everyone that helped on Sunday to put our outdoor space into good shape. The children are enjoying your efforts! Many thanks.


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