The week began with the children off to camp. I hear it was a wonderful experience for all, despite the rain. The children came back with a strengthened sense of community. Though they were all physically tired, their spirits seemed refreshed.
The children being gone gave me the opportunity spend some uninterrupted time creating beautiful work. The entire language area got a refresh, as did Earth Science. I'm still in the process of curating a 60 drawer word study cabinet that will include work with prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, capitalization, punctuation, and more.
This week the children learned about prepositions. The Montessori grammar symbol for a preposition is green and looks a bit like a bridge. The children use three part cards to make the prepositions come to life with a ceramic bridge and a tiny ceramic cat. For example, "the cat goes OVER the bridge" or "the cat goes UNDER the bridge"
There was a new work about famous landmarks around the world

Thank you card Thursday is always a hit
Word Bingo is a class favorite
Parts of the flower and flower dissection is also a favorite
Cursive with the moveable alphabet, map making, research, and bead bar addition were other popular works
Of course we always make a little time for just hangin' out
As you can see, we pack a whole lot into the time we have together. I hope everyone has a restful weekend. We will be back at it on Monday for a full week!