What a week of anticipation! Last practices before the variety show and much anticipation for the show itself tonight!! The children have so enjoyed getting ready for this fun event!!!
They have also been working on their individual and group projects for the art auction in two weeks!!!! Their projects are so sweet!!!
Kindergarten have begun working on their map of the world and they are excited about their map journeys.
We all enjoyed the most delicious pumpkin muffins this morning that Kindergarten made yesterday afternoon. They are learning to follow the steps in a recipe and to measure, mix and fold!
Halloween is coming and the children can wear their costumes to school on that day. Be aware that they may come home muddy and if there are multiple pieces, they may end up misplacing them in the woods etc...so please help them to choose wisely. Please be aware of everyone's comfort level and refrain from scary costumes 😊.

See you all at the variety show!
Have a great weekend.
The primary Team