Week Two
Our first full week of school proved successful and continued to build on discovering connections. During whole group, each student created an Identity Page, which they shared with their classmates. We have hung the works around our space for viewing.

In math, Miss Kim is delighted to work with your students this year and has been observing them individually to see where they may have opportunities for growth.
Each class is addressing the following:
Sixth grade math focus is working with number operations, including exponents and solving equations.
Seventh grade focus includes creating proportional numbers, solving equations using proportions, and learning about slope and direct variation.
Algebra students are solving linear equations using multi-step and absolute value.
In English, we started our unit on origin stories. Collectively, we read a Cherokee origin story, “The Story of Corn and Medicine,” and digitally highlighted information in the text using Google Classroom. Students then chose from a sampling of additional origin stories for further study. Each individual or pair will now create a children’s book version of their chosen story using simple language and illustrations. As preparation, they have highlighted what they deem important text. We are ending the week revisiting the definition of key information and learning the basic parameters for summarizing text. Students wrote opening summary sentences of their chosen stories in class.
Cool website for exploring indigenous tribes around the world:https://native-land.ca/

Middle school is a time of discovery as well, and students have begun the process of brainstorming potential EXternships. DGS defines the EXternship experience as a time for middle schoolers to go out into the community rather than inviting the community into the classroom. More on EXternships in the future, but for now….
Last week I asked them to journal on the following question:
What problem in the world would you like to solve?
This week, we journaled again, answering the same question with a twist:
What problem in the world would you like to solve? How can you start working on it now?
I reminded them that innovative thinkers don’t wake up at the age of thirty and immediately declare that they are now ready to take on the world. Preparing innovators is a process, and our DGS INNOVATORS are capable of taking steps today.
After journaling, I instructed them to google all the rabbit trails related to their thoughts. Discover who is already doing the work, what organizations exist, where solutions are being implemented, which careers exist, which careers are for the creating, etc.
Ask them about their “Passion Problem.” Next week they report back to me on their findings.

Also, I feel it important to mention Mr. Matt. He’s a favorite, and he’s teaching your students Philosophy and Creating the Universe (CTU). There are some beautiful sounds coming from the other room as I write. When I know more, I’ll share…..
It’s gearing up to be such an amazing ride!
(A few additional pictures from last week's field trip.)
