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Mindfulness - Interoception

kathleen McIntyre

For September, our focus on SEL is building awareness of our inner landscape. Like the outer landscape, there’s a whole world inside us to explore. 

As we support children in having a sense of place at DGS, we also want them to have a sense of place within their bodies. We will do this by supporting students in making inner observations.

Our sense of interoception helps us recognize hunger, thirst, and hot/cold. It also helps with emotional regulation, and research suggests emotional awareness of others. This is just the beginning.

 Interoception is a fundamental sense that supports us in meeting our basic needs and is a foundational tool for developing the skill of responding rather than reacting. 

We want to feel when something activates or triggers us so we can stop, name, and feel what is going on and then respond with compassion. 

This week, we will build upon our basic interoceptive awareness and notice how different emotions cause us to feel on the inside.

1 Comment

Derek Henig
Sep 09, 2024

Love it!

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