Hi squad!
We are in the middle of two weeks with some reduced science class time, but we’re pressing on regardless. Last week of course, the students were enjoying their amazing trip to Grayson Highlands, and this coming week, we will lose Thursday and Friday to our fall break. It’s definitely beginning to feel like fall out there, which is extra lovely since we have recently jumped into our TREE PROJECT.
This is a multi-disciplinary project in which students compile a series of assignments (some of which are required and some they may choose) in a 3-ring binder. Each of these mini products is centered around the biology, processes, and general appreciation of trees. The centerpiece of the project is a fairly massive leaf collection, and we have begun the process of learning how to identify various tree species by their leaves, fruit, and bark. We will be taking a walking field trip to Davidson College campus, where many of their trees are tagged for easy identification. Students have a checklist including each part of the project, and we are shooting for an 11/5 completion deadline.
We‘ve been in a bit of a holding pattern with respect the Science Fair. However we have just received word that the event at UNCC will be solely virtual. Thus, we will concentrate our focus on our on-campus DGS event which will take place in early March so as to avoid conflicting with the annual Art Auction. After we return from fall break, we will really start turning our wheels with respect to topic selection and the research process. Please take time to ask your child what they are considering for their topic, including whether they intend to pursue an engineering/problem-solving project or one which measures a dependent variable.
Have an awesome week and a safe, lovely fall break!
