It was wonderful having the opportunity to talk to so many of you this week and share the joy of what your children are doing in school, with you.
Though it has only been two days we still managed to pack a lot into the time that we had. Some of our Kindergarten students had introductory multiplication lessons. They watched a couple of two minute videos this afternoon on volcanoes erupting in Hawaii. Two new slime recipes were tried out and both were went from eew.....that looks gross to let me try and oh, this is really fun!!! Our deductive reasoning from this was that it is not always possible to substitute ingredients and have the expected success as we learned last week!!!!
We learned how magnets work and began to make our own discoveries with them....some of our answers to our predictions were surprising.
Our younger students got to enjoy the slime on Friday morning and they loved it!
Valentines day will come before we know it and how we handle it here is that the children bring in their little cards in their envelopes with NO NAMES on them.....because they are the mail person for their cards and they hand them out to each child on circle.....having no names on the envelopes makes it so much easier for them and for us. Please make sure that they have a card for each child including themself and that each child gets the same card .... so no one feels left out. Also, please do not attach candy to their cards.

Have a wonderful weekend.
The Primary Team