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The Trickster


Greetings! If you haven't noticed, I've decided to do the blog every other week. A lot of what we do in Forest Explorers is to simply BE in nature. This is such an important activity, for all ages, but it can be difficult to write about! And the week leading up to Halloween included lots of it. I figured there was enough excitement in their lives, so we did a lot of relaxing. Playing in the creek, coloring at the cottage, it was a lovely balance to all of the amazing fun of the season. As soon as Halloween ended, boy did it get cold! We focused on foxes, making a fox craft, playing What Time Is It Mr Fox, and reading a book about Tricky Mr Fox. Foxes often represent the trickster in stories from many cultures. And guess what? The creek played a trick on me!

It was a cold and blustery day, so we didn't go to the deep side of the creek. We went to the other side and it was barely a trickle. So I decided we would walk the creek to the bridge, thinking we should stay dry since it was so cold. Well, once we were more than halfway through, we came upon a section that was deep enough to get in our boots! Like the book says, can't go over it, can't go under it, got to go through it. So we worked together and finally made it to the other side. Where the tricky creek had more deep pools! I tell you, by the time we made it to the bridge, we were all wet and muddy! But the cry of triumph was epic! That is the picture I'm including with this post.

This is also a good time to remind you to send in a warm change of clothes- and lots of socks!

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend, I'll see you soon!

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