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Upper El (3/8-12): Solar Ovens and Scenes!

Derek Henig

This week, students wrote one scene scripts, which they all got to act out together Friday afternoon. We also began our Solar Oven project and spent an afternoon reviewing our unit on Radiant Energy.

To begin making our solar ovens, we followed a blueprint to measure and cut pieces to make a box. Learning to be a little more precise with our designs was a challenge, but our group rose to meet it!

Everyone loved our weekly story assignment of writing scenes or short scripts. We started by using a few volunteers to act out a short scene Mr. Derek wrote about a wizard and a traveler. They were all instantly excited at the prospect of acting out their own scenes together at the end of the week.

Next week, we'll take a quiz on our radiant energy unit, so we spent part of our Thursday afternoon this week reviewing all the amazing things we learned over the last month or so.

Friday, we, of course, acted out our scenes, which was a lot of fun. Some made props, too! Next week we have our Science Fair, and we'll continue with our solar ovens.


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