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Upper El (Mr. D): Completions

Derek Henig

Our last week and a half have been about completion. Our latest story and parts of our science fair have been the focus.

Working on a story deadline that spreads over our winter break can be challenging, returning and trying to remember where you were in the writing process. However, that's why we begin with outlining and plotting our story so we can pick it up at any point in the week.

On top of our stories, we are working hard on our Science Fair project. Some students, who required test subjects, were using their time to complete their experiments. Others worked on finalizing parts of their report, like the procedure or their material list.

In between, as work found its point of completion, students returned to their catapult builds (which the class voted to put on hold for a week or so) to test and make changes.

Now, we're all caught up to about the same point in our Science Fair process. Our experiments are due next Thursday, as well as our research. Together, we've been working to finalize our research portion for next Thursday.

We've already listed out the questions that need researching, those that pertain to our experiment, and students are in search of the answers.

Next week is our field trip to the Hydroelectric Plant and the Energy Explorium! This will be a cool, behind-the-scenes look at real-life energy production. Please remember to double-check the clothing requirements for this trip.

Looking forward to another great week ahead!


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