We had a packed 4-day week! Please check out all the learning we did—and fun we had—by viewing the attached newsletter. This week, our class especially enjoyed their cookie moon phase activity, reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, and learning about Master Class.
Our first class field trip is scheduled for Thursday, September 19th. We’ll head to the Schiele Museum, departing DGS at 9AM. There, we’ll tour the museum before heading to the planetarium for a special presentation. Students should pack a lunch and bring their water bottle. We’ll depart the museum by 1:45 to return to DGS in time for regular dismissal. We will need ONE chaperone for this trip. If you’d like to chaperone, please reply to this email and let me know how many total students you can fit in your car. Within the newsletter, you’ll find a link to our online permission slip. Please complete these no later than Thursday, September 12th!
Please also view Jennifer’s email regarding our Picture Days! The schedule has been pasted into our newsletter.
We will walk to the library on Monday, so please remind your child to bring their card, wear their DGS shirt, and to bring any books that they wish to return or renew to school. A bag for carrying books is also helpful!
On Monday we will also make “potato asteroids.” One student found a recipe in one of our space books. The recipe is attached. If you do NOT want your child to consume these on Monday, please let me know, and consider sending in an alternate “asteroid” for them to enjoy.
Thank you all for your kind, spunky, joyful children. I feel so fortunate to spend my days with them!
Whitney Branisteanu
