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Welcome to the Forest


What a fantastic start to our year of exploring! I can hardly believe it's only been eight days, we have already had lots of magical moments. Such as Aidan finding a snake skin, quite a serendipitous way to begin the year!

Or when the heat finally got to us on Friday and we spent the afternoon in the famous Maker Space.

We always try to stay outside as much as possible, but if the temperature is extreme or it is thundering, we will go inside the school. There was swinging on the rope at the creek and searching for crystals in the water.

An important lesson is learning to only take home one rock, no bigger than your palm. This encourages viewing nature not as an endless resource, and worthy of respect. Plus it hopefully keeps you from having too many on your counter! We met a GORGEOUS box turtle and drew it in our nature journals.

To top it all off, one afternoon we had a surprise rainfall. The explorers had an incredible time laughing and running in the rain!

I'm looking forward to all of the magic and learning still to come.


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